"New Life Church" zt.

"New Life Church" zt.

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Human is the main goal of all services and projects that we implement, therefore all the resources we have are directed to its construction and salvation.

Fundraising for the purchase of premises

We invite everyone to help make our dream a reality!
The "New Life Church" is raising funds for the purchase of premises that will allow the implementation of a new educational project. The new educational project in Zhytomyr includes:
Kindergarten — preparing children for school. Day Center — assisting children from socially disadvantaged groups with homework, providing psychological support, and offering hot meals. Men's Issues — workshops to strengthen the father-son bond, rehabilitation for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Campus for Christian Youth — a living space for Christian students to form their identity and participate in social projects.
More details in the video.

  •  Company details

    Donate UAH
    Найменування отримувача: РО НОВЕ ЖИТТЯ М. ЖИТОМИР РГКод отримувача (ЄДРПОУ): 44243859Рахунок отримувача: UA743052990000026007036408263Назва банку: АТ КБ "ПРИВАТ БАНК"
    Donate Euro
        Company details:
    NL50 ABNA 0402 2142 34Stichting OGO - ANBI erkend en CBF keurmerk
    Donate USD
        Company details:
     company Name: РО НОВЕ ЖИТТЯ М. ЖИТОМИР РГ"New life"
       IBAN Code: UA103052990000026008046416095
     Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE Bank SWIFT Code: PBANUA2X Company address: 10020, УКРАЇНА, ОБЛ. ЖИТОМИРСЬКА, М. ЖИТОМИР, ВУЛ. ПЕРЕМОГИ, Б. 94, КВ. 74.
      Correspondent banks:
     Account in the correspondent bank: 001-1-000080 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASUS33 Correspondent bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA

  • Report on the funds raised:

    Target: 250000 $Collected: 125 000 $

Here you can make a financial donation to support the development of the church's ministry.

Thank you for your support! It means a lot to us!

  • Company details

    Donate UAH
    Найменування отримувача: РО НОВЕ ЖИТТЯ М. ЖИТОМИР РГКод отримувача (ЄДРПОУ): 44243859Рахунок отримувача: UA743052990000026007036408263Назва банку: АТ КБ "ПРИВАТ БАНК"
    Donate Euro
    Company details:
    NL50 ABNA 0402 2142 34Stichting OGO - ANBI erkend en CBF keurmerk
    Donate USD
    Company details:
     company Name: РО НОВЕ ЖИТТЯ М. ЖИТОМИР РГ"New life"
       IBAN Code: UA103052990000026008046416095
    Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE Bank SWIFT Code: PBANUA2X Company address: 10020, УКРАЇНА, ОБЛ. ЖИТОМИРСЬКА, М. ЖИТОМИР, ВУЛ. ПЕРЕМОГИ, Б. 94, КВ. 74.
      Correspondent banks:
     Account in the correspondent bank: 001-1-000080 SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: CHASUS33 Correspondent bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA